Applying openEHR and GDL for streamlining the process between screening and reporting to quality registries – the case of familial hypercholesterolemia. Master thesis. Karolinska Institutet; 2014

Engblom K.

“openEHR and GDL has a role to play in the organizational context, and can support the integration of EHR:s, decision support, and quality registries, a development that may have real benefits for the health care system in general and patients with familial hypercholesterolemia in particular.”(Engblom K, 2014)

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Retrospective checking of compliance with practice guidelines for acute stroke care: a novel experiment using openEHR’s Guideline Definition Language. BMC Med Inform Decis Mak. 2014 May 10;14:39. doi: 10.1186/1472-6947-14-39

Anani N, Chen R, Prazeres Moreira T, Koch S.

“Our aim was to explore in an experimental setting the practicability of GDL and its underlying archetype formalism. A further aim was to report on the artefacts produced by this new technological approach in this particular experiment. We modelled and automatically executed compliance checking rules from clinical practice guidelines for acute stroke care. Shareable guideline knowledge for use in automated retrospective checking of guideline compliance may be achievable using GDL. Whether the same GDL rules can be used for at-the-point-of-care CDS remains unknown.” (Anani N, Chen R, Prazeres Moreira T, Koch S, 2014)

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Evaluation of feasibility of openEHR and Guideline Definition Language for automatic data transfer between electronic health records and the Auricula quality registry for Atrial fibrillation. Master thesis. Karolinska Institutet; 2014

Ismaili U.

“The integration between the EHR and QR is theoretically possible with the use of openEHR technology and GDL. The validation proved that GDL can model guidelines in the clinical area of atrial fibrillation and that the criteria can be supported.” (Ismaili U, 2014)

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Evaluation of the Guideline Definition Language (GDL) in the clinical area of severe sepsis and septic shock. Master thesis. Karolinska Institutet; 2013

Kalliamvakos K.

“The validation indicates that GDL can support the criteria for modeling guidelines in the clinical area of severe sepsis and septic shock; due to limitations this finding cannot be generalized. The comparison of GELLO and GDL revealed similarities regarding the use of the OO approach for their design and the use of a local term binded to an external terminology.” (Kalliamvakos K, 2013)

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Early Experiences from a guideline-based computerized clinical decision support for stroke prevention in atrial fibrillation. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2013;192:244-7.

Chen R, Valladares C, Corbal I, Anani N, Koch S.

“The compliance checking shows the cardiologist group has substantially higher percentage of compliant treatment compared with that of the general population group. Based on this important finding, we are now implementing at-point-of-care clinical decision support reusing the same computerized guideline knowledge in GDL format in order to increase the guideline adherence of the treatment.” (Chen R, Valladares C, Corbal I, Anani N, Koch S. , 2013)

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OpenEHR-based representation of guideline compliance data through the example of stroke clinical practice guidelines. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics. 2012;180:487-491.

Anani N, Chen R, Prazeres Moreira T, Koch S.

“We conclude that openEHR-based guideline and compliance data representations may be a promising first step in building future decision support applications that are well connected to the electronic health record, can be useful in locating discrepancies between different sets of guidelines within the same care context and provide a helpful tool for driving the archetype authoring and review process.” (Anani N, Prazeres T, Koch S., 2012)

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